Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Blah blah

Man, I figured 3+ days would be more than enough time to get me from Exit 36 to Yellow Springs, but here I am only about 100 miles from where I began Sunday afternoon (functionally only 60). Even if I get a ride right now, all the way to Dayton, there's almost no chance that I'll hit YSO by tomorrow at a reasonable time. Forget the fact that I had hoped to walk approximately the final ten miles. A ride now gets me there at 3:00 or 4:00 AM. Then where do I sleep? Or do I get any sleep on the way there? It doesn't matter anyway because I don't have a ride yet. Yes, I am frustrated right now. Very frustrated.


revolution said...

you need a myspace page.


docrivs said...

Yes. Good point, Lew!

I think that's a good idea, because kids/teens/bloggers tend to use MySpace a lot. You can easily "pimp out" a MySpace page too.

docrivs said...

Ryan, btw, I know that your journey has probably had a lot of frustrating moments. It's tough to get through those times, waiting for rides, worrying about making it somewhere by a certain time, worrying about finding sleep, worrying about harassment, and all the other worries, anxieties, and frustrations of a nomadic lifestyle. You always seem to find a way through, though. That's good.