Saturday, June 30, 2007

I'm not ripe

This morning my ride got a little fruity with me. I'm not going to tell the whole story here, but basically he somehow convinced himself that he had permission to fondle me through my jeans. Well, he didn't have permission, nor will any man ever have permission to fondle my dick in any way. After I calmly informed him I'm not into dudes, he said, "I'm not, either. I just thought we could get each other off." Um, I don't think so. Not even an attractive WOMAN would get a piece of me that easily. I didn't know how to react, but I chose not to be combative. Had I freaked, however, I would have been justified. As a guy, you just don't go around trying to rub other guys' cocks without clear permission, especially if you know they're fully hetero. And of course you don't go around touching women's "things," either... This is not a gay issue. I have no problem whatsoever with gay people,
unless they try to molest me... Most same-sex sex offenders are straight.


docrivs said...

Well, you sure are purdy :) LOL Stuff like that will happen while you're on the road, because you have to remember that some of the guys who pick you up are looking for someone who they might get off or get off on. You're right about the "gay issue" thing in that there is a wide continuum between "gay" and "straight", but a lot of so-called "straight" guys will take what they can get, because they are lonely and horny. Plus, some hitchhikers also turn tricks to get some money off of those guys, and some guys who give you a ride might think you might be one of those. There's a lot of screwed up people in this world, aren't there?

revolution said...

"You sure got a purdy mouth, boy."

My uncle was once raped while hitchhiking. Yes, I said my "uncle." That will keep you awake at night. Or at least inspire you to buy some pepper spray at Wal-mart.

Steven Gomez said...

So I come back for the first time in forever to find out that some man tried to shift you into high gear... uhhhh, yeah.

I need to read more, but not tonight. It's late. Tomorrow, yes.

Good to see that, otherwise, things have gone somewhat well.