Friday, May 22, 2009

Decision time

Here's an e-mail I sent to Ashley at Peacock Productions about an hour ago:

Hi Ashley,

I was just wondering if you've heard anything from whoever you've expected to hear something from, regarding my prospective involvement in this doc series thing.

You know what's more frustrating than not "making the cut"? Being kept completely in the dark for months, especially after I took only a few days to do what you asked of me.

If Peacock Productions does not want me to be a part of this hitchhiking-related doc series (or even if they do want me), then I'd really appreciate if they would let me know something. It's just common courtesy, don't you think?

If this thing is not going to happen, I want to move on with my life; y'know, get a job or something. But I can't do anything until someone from Peacock lets me know something, because you can't just walk out of a "normal" life to do something like Aimless. This refusal to communicate is making me lose interest, which is a shame because I have no doubt that I am the person y'all are looking for.

Thank you,
Ryan M. Powell

Yeah, I know it might totally piss them off and cause them to scratch me off their list (if I'm even still on it), but I don't care anymore. Everyone deserves to be treated with a certain degree of honesty and integrity, and they haven't treated me that way. So if my letter pisses them off, fuck 'em.

If I want to watch good TV, as opposed to Dateline NBC, all I have to do is think about the things I've done and the people I've met on the road. That shit is 100 times more entertaining than watching a bunch of interviews about some missing person.

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