Monday, February 23, 2009

In case you've never seen this

I just watched the Quasi-Aimless (Revised) video twice for the first time in a long time, after receiving an e-mail from the drunk guy ("Character" #2) who recently found this blog after Googling his name. Even though he let me stay at his place one night, he had no memory of meeting me or knowing me.

I have to admit I like the video.

One thing I noticed in this video for the first time is the "BL" sign to the right of the "Beverly Hills" sign. As I walked around LA last September, after seeing a few of these signs, I became curious and followed one of them to find out what they are for, and I figured it out really quickly. These signs help cast and crew find their filming locations. All the locals know what the signs mean, but all the locals are used to having Hollywood in their back yard. Tourists have no clue what the signs are for, so they never become a nuisance.

Aimless Video Evidence


Anonymous said...

Wow, deleting our convo from the last few days. Nice touch.

Hey, add more pics and videos.


Ryan M. Powell said...

It's still there, along with other stuff. You just don't get to see it anymore.

If you want more Aimless, you get to buy the book, supposing it ever gets published. And if I ever make a documentary, I'll happily sell you a copy.

Anonymous said...

Ahh, I see. No really I do. =)

Oh and Pink is my favorite color. =P


PS - Add more pics & videos to the blog.

Ryan M. Powell said...

I bet you're probably a reasonably nice guy, Ron, but you piss me off and make me say things I don't need to be saying. I'm trying to focus on writing a really good book, and I don't need these distractions right now. It's tough enough trying to figure out if the shit I'm writing is remotely interesting. And wondering if I overuse words, and stuff like that. It's hard to write thousands and thousands of words without using the same words and phrases over and over and over. And it's not fun to sit here watching and listening to video of events I can't remember very well, like the stories Earl told me about growing up a scrawny kid in a tough Memphis neighborhood (from way back in December 2006).

Anonymous said...

Ok, I understand that. The last 2-3 posts I was trying to push your buttons somewhat. But the first one abut pics and such was just a honest observation about your blog in general. Plus as a reader I would like to see more.
You took my statement as a personal attack and told me not to read anymore. Why? You seem to be very very defensive about any criticism of what you are doing with the blog or book.
You need feedback good or bad to gauge your writing and to take that without defense. You don't have to throw up a blockade or feel you have to justify everything.