Sunday, August 05, 2007

Thank you!

I want to thank Aunt Carolyn & Uncle Larry for everything they did for me. I don't have enough room here to list everything. This was the first time in my entire life that I've been able to spend any real time with them. It was almost like getting to know them for the first time and I really enjoyed it. (The pic is of Larry; Carolyn wouldn't let me take her picture without first putting on make-up.) Thank you Larry & Carolyn... On my first night in SF there were at least 5 foghorns honking all night. It sounded almost like 'Close Encounters' at times. So far it has been nearly impossible to see the Golden Gate Bridge because it is always covered by fog. It looks like there is already a crack in one of my tent poles. I hope I can exchange it without a receipt or a box (if I can even find a another Sports Authority store). Good thing I checked my e-mail at a library yesterday because Tony
sent a message saying he will be at Pyzano's Wed, Thu, & Fri. I can get there easily via BART.

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