Saturday, August 04, 2007

San Francisco doesn't care

Someone please tell San Francisco it is the beginning of August. Seriously, it feels like late fall in Ohio here. Nonetheless, this is a beautiful city. Here by Fisherman's Wharf I've seen a lot of people wearing 'San Francisco' jackets; I think it's because they came here expecting summer, but the chilly weather forced them to buy something warm. SF is so much like New York, yet it is nothing like New York. I got here at about 5:00 this afternoon. The train ride was very cool. I rode near a nice Amish newlywed couple on their honeymoon from Jackson, Ohio. Very cool to talk to them. I don't like tourist areas and I may stop going to tourist areas in the places I visit in the future. I really need some new boots. After walking well over 600 miles in these, I've worn them out pretty bad. Doesn't take much walking anymore for my feet to hurt. I am very comfortable with money right now,
plus I have several tapes & a new tent. Don't know if I'll find a place to sleep tonight.

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