Saturday, July 07, 2007


We hit Flagstaff at about 6:30 and we are currently heading down Interstate 17 toward Phoenix. Should be there within a couple hours. It's crazy how, near Flagstaff, it changes from total desert to dense pine forest in about five minutes... Travis stopped at a scenic overlook about 30 or 40 miles south of Flagstaff. That's where he took this picture of me. That place is beautiful; I took at least ten pictures with my still camera... Shortly after I finish writing this, we should be very close to Phoenix. Travis may be able to use me as a lumper tomorrow, which he said could earn me a quick $40 with the loads he's leaving in Phoenix. He doesn't think I'll be able to do it in LA, though. That may be a good way for me to make money whenever I get low on cash, especially if I meet up with Travis again, which is very likely... I have less than a tape and a half left, so it'll be really cool
if I can do that work tomorrow.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey, you're in Dave Klein country right now. Remember him? Give me a holler if ya want to get in touch with him.