Sunday, June 10, 2007

Is atrophy the word?

I think all this lazing around the last few days has made some of my new leg muscle (of which I'm so proud) disappear. I've probably put on a few lbs, too, thanks particularly to the pizza I mega-chowed on earlier today. It's funny how all the hard work can all be for nothing if you're not careful. I better not eat much the next couple days because I want people in YSO to notice the difference when I show up there.<br><br>Does html work when I use tags this way? If so, there should be more than one paragraph here. If not, you have already seen the tags not working. (Don't answer my question; it was like rhetorical or something.)<br><br>Anything else to say? I still have a few hundred characters left.<br><br>I feel like I've been cheating on Miss Pathfinder simply by thinking about Lidia. Welcome to the lonely world of Aimless Ryan. What no one seems to realize is: That is precisely what
makes me such a good catch. Hey, I just want to find the right girl someday. Maybe it's one of them.

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