Sunday, May 04, 2008


The next post (which I will publish sometime tonight or tomorrow) does not apply to every reader of this blog. Some of you have done amazingly kind things for me; you know who you are. Particularly it does not apply to Brad Perkins, who has gone out of his way to help me make something of Aimless. The post is also very incomplete because I cannot say what I need to say with only 1,000 characters, which is precisely the problem. Some people will think I'm a jerk for saying what I have to say; some will probably call me ungrateful. But those people are selfish and have no idea what I put myself through for their entertainment. --> What I do, no one else does. NO ONE! For me to do what I'm trying to do, I need help/funding/sponsorship, just like every business venture needs some kind of funding. The kind of funding I need is tiny compared to even the smallest business, but after two years,
I've received no funding of any kind. Think about that before you call me ungrateful.


Anonymous said...

You might get suppport or funding if you clean up your language, Do you always need to use profanity?

You started out good on this adventure and now it is the complaining again. Make it clean & enjoyable and you might get what you need.

Jeff said...

I don't think any of you will contribute. Ryan is real, and a real nice guy too. I rather have raw over pretentious any day!