Thursday, June 07, 2007

Lidia [last name removed]

The reporter I mentioned a couple days ago is Lidia [last name removed]. (Yeah, she IS real purdy-like.) I got a chance last night to respond to her question: "What is your documentary about?" Unfortunately, I was so wacked-out sleep deprived that I was unable to spit out my thoughts effectively in my e-mail message to her.

(Damn, she's pretty, don't you think? I'm dying to get my hands all over her countertops and baking chamber so I can make her a hot, mouth-watering pizza.)

Obviously she could not do a story about Aimless right now even if she wanted to because I am now in Mt. Carmel, Tennessee (probably at least 200 miles from her). But I was never worried about that, anyway. If any news crew wants to do a story about Aimless, that's cool, but I don't have my heart set on it or anything like that. Lidia, on the other hand, has repeatedly invaded my mind the last couple days. I have not met her in person or spoken to her, but I did see her walk by, and sometimes something like that can be a bit moving.

Temporary obsession, I guess. It'll probably go away within a week, though, if she doesn't contact me again. Besides, in a week I should be back in YSO, where maybe I'll see Miss Pathfinder and finally conjure the courage to approach her. I may not have mentioned her in a while, but I think about her very regularly.

If you read this, Lidia, this post is a small example of what I was talking about when I mentioned freedom. Y'see, a year ago I couldn't have said any of this unless I was completely anonymous. Even then I may have held back a lot because I lived in fear of what people might think. Now I don't. And let me tell ya: You look good to me and you seem like you have it together upstairs, so I can't help being attracted. And it's not because you're on TV, either.

I think I've been pretty clear about that, so call me sometime if you suspect there might be any kind of reciprocation. Hey, I'm just out here trying to meet the right people; maybe you're one of them.

Update: Actually Mt. Carmel (near Kingsport) is only about 150 miles from Greenville via I-26.

The Quasi-Aimless Trailer
If you'd like to contact me, call me at 614-738-3867.

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