Sunday, June 24, 2007

I've been thinking a lot about the encounter with the drunk girl last night. Was she trying to hit on me? Did she interpret my response as a total lack of interest? And did she walk off out of embarrassment? That's how it seemed, and I know how it feels to be in that role. I almost never attempt to initiate conversation with women who attract me, so naturally I suck at it. And on the rare occasion that I do approach someone who attracts me, I usually make an ass of myself. Is that how she felt? Is that why she walked off? When I approach someone, I tend not to give up so quickly; I try to redeem myself, but I usually worsen the situation. Then the door slams shut forever. Well, I would have given the drunk girl more of an opportunity to accomplish her objective. I'm not so quick to judge because I know first impressions tend to be inaccurate, especially in situations like that, where
there may be a very large emotional weight complicating things. That's one thing I like about myself.

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