Saturday, October 28, 2006

Is it my brain?

Right now, even with the brand new prescription lens levitating in front of my right eye, I cannot read this computer screen from less than three feet away using only my right eye. The left eye still works fine, and I could see reasonably clearly with my right eye just two days ago, but I can't see shit with it right now. This is not only frustrating; it's also getting kind of scary.

As I mentioned a couple days ago, the doc says both of my eyes are in fine condition physically. So is the problem in my brain or what? What else could it be if it's not my eyes and it's not my brain?

Aimless and sightless

1 comment:

docrivs said...

I hope that there is not a serious problem with either your eyes or your brain, and I'm happy to hear that you are able to get medical attention. Give it another couple of weeks to see if your problem continues or not. Hopefully, it will lessen and eventually go away. There is not much else you can do, other than pay attention to your body and try to stay healthy.