Uh oh. Lots of BMW, Mercedes, Lexus, etc... I was in the middle of saying I expect to be sitting/standing at the Santa Barbara on-ramp for quite a while, but Neil Smith stopped to give me a ride to [I don't know the name of the town]. I think this place is called Buelle or something (near Solvang). After maybe 45 minutes someone else stopped and took me to Big Sur. Her name... What!?! HER name? Yeah, her name is Jackie and she's gorgeous. I accompanied Jackie to a campground in a state park near Big Sur, but I found my own spot to camp away from the campground. As I walked toward Monterey this morning, Jackie passed me and picked me up again. We said goodbye again at Fisherman's Wharf, which is where I currently stand. Jackie is a part-time actor; she was on the TV shows "Windfall" and "Louie" (sp?). The 30-50 miles leading up to Big Sur is unfuckingbelievable. It is so amazingly
beautiful. If you've never been there, you need to start making plans. I have to charge my phone now.