I tried to e-mail Joe earlier this evening, but my message bounced back. In my subsequent search to find a valid e-mail address for Joe, I've happened upon some interesting web pages that help demonstrate why I intend to meet up with him again next time I make it to Vegas. Joe Sacco is very representative of the kind of people I'd hoped I'd meet when the idea of Aimless first took root in my head. I don't necessarily mean homeless advocates or good-hearted people. I mean there is just something about Joe that makes him interesting. And he's great in front of the camera. The camera did not affect him at all.
I want to tell you all about what happened while I followed Joe with the camera, but I also want to keep it a secret for now so you'll appreciate it more whenever I finally finish the trailer I'm working on. So until then, let me direct you to some of the web pages I found while searching for him.
- FEEDING THE HOMELESS: Fed up with protests.
- World Bank Disrupted, SUV Strikes Protestor.
- It's no walk in the park. (This article is from just a few days after I met Joe.)
- Fewer students answer the call.
- Group of anti-war protesters arrested on Las Vegas Strip.
I haven't found a valid e-mail address for Joe yet, but I do have his phone number. I'm not much of a phone person, but I guess I can call him if I don't have any luck finding another e-mail address. (I already sent a text message. No response yet.)
Update: February 6, 2007 - Joe is running for Las Vegas City Council. Visit Joe Sacco's campaign web site.