Saturday, December 11, 2010

Jim Kasper, where are you?

Jim Kasper: If you're out there, I hope to hear from you again. I call your phone number every once in a while, just to see if it's back in operation, but no luck. I worry about you, dude. I consider you a very good friend and I hope you're all right.

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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Oh, come on Ryan. You're going to post something like that after months of silence, and not even let everyone else know who Jim Kasper is? You do still have people, like myself, who are interested in what you're up to. Throw me a freakin' bone, man. *grin*

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. This is who Jim Kasper is:

    Blog post from January 11, 2010
    Blog post from February 18, 2010
    Blog post from February 21, 2010

    Last time I spoke to Jim, I was within a couple miles of the western edge of Wichita (during the walk). Our call was lost, and neither of us immediately called back because we'd been talking for a while already. Next time I called him, his number was "changed, disconnected, or [was] no longer in service." That was nothing new because he'd lost his phone at least once before. But his number has been out of service ever since that call in early/mid June, and he hasn't called me from any other numbers.

    When I last spoke to Jim, he was in Albuquerque, slowly making his way east. He intended to catch up with me shortly before I finished the walk, as well as at some points along the way, and I looked forward to seeing him. So since I haven't heard from him and cannot contact him, I posted this in hopes that he or someone he knows might see it and let me know what's up.


    Dude, no one except you really cares what I have to say. I don't get calls or e-mails from anyone asking me what's up or what it was like. People don't even e-mail me to tell me I'm a dick.

    I want to let it out, man. I want people to be interested in the hundreds of compelling stories I have to tell about my experiences on the road and the people I've met. But right now no one really cares. I want people to care about "my thing," but they don't.

    A few people do care about some of what I have to say about pizza, though. I've found a place where I can learn more about my passion, and where I can help others learn what I already know. In fact, just by sharing my knowledge with people on these message boards, it might eventually open doors for me to do something with my life. So that's what I'm focusing on for the time being. That and the pain I still feel every time I get up off this couch.

  5. I'm telling you Ryan, you could have had a lot of people interested in your walk. By its very nature it was an interesting venture that a lot of people would have loved to follow and hear about. Problem is, nobody knew about it because you didn't create enough of a buzz about it. Your toolbox for doing that was social networking. Had you created a Facebook page that you updated regularly and tweeted a few times per day, you would have had hundreds of people interested. But, if you just get up and walk across the country, how/why do you expect anyone to care? I really feel bad for you, Ryan, because you've done this amazing thing, and really blown the promotion of it, and now it's too late to do much about it. That really sucks, man. :(

    You don't know how badly I would love to try a slice of your pizza. There are so many pizza places down here in southwest Florida that just don't get it. They make something with sauce, cheese and dough that sort of looks like pizza, but it isn't the same thing as the pizza I grew up with in the NYC area. It's all wrong. If just one of these places hired someone like yourself as a consultant, they would become such a rage, they could put all the other places out of business. My God, how I miss a good slice!

  6. Ryan's pizza is the shit.
    Loved the whole pie I had when I visited last month!

    Dude, I've been out of commission lately!

    I'll try to remember to call you on your birthday!

  7. I hope I get a chance to try it sometime. Ryan could make a shit-ton of money down here in southwest Florida where no good pizza exists anywhere. People drive 20 miles and rave about one place that is mediocre, at best. It's strange, because all the old retirees love pizza down here, and most have never even had a good one. A truly good pie in Naples, FL would attract more business than anyone could handle. This area has money, pizza lovers, and no truly good pizza. Instant gold mine, guaranteed.

  8. Jeff, I think that pizza came out pretty damn good, especially considering it was the first time I'd made pizza in about a year. I've gotten so much better in the last month or so, though, having spent so much time trying to replicate Tommy's as well as Malnati's-style deep dish. The message boards at have helped me progress quite a bit, too. That's a really good web site.

    ER, I may have an opportunity brewing right now that could involve both pizza and Aimless. It's a very, very cool story, and I hope I can share it soon.

  9. Can you give me a hint? Or email me? I would love to know what's going on with you these days Ryan, especially if it involves pizza.

    I've always been a great pizza eater, but only recently got into trying to make it at home. Someone gave me a bread machine to make the dough in, and there was a big slab of marble left over after re-doing my counter tops that I thought would make a good pizza stone, so I figured I would try to make some pizza. I've made a few now, and they come out okay, but they're missing something. I did find that a drizzle of olive-oil over the cheese before baking improves the final outcome. I think that's why a good NY slice will drip a little if you fold it over to eat. Am I right about that?

    Thanks for mentioning the message boards. I wasn't aware of them, but I think I'll check 'em out.


Comment form message? What is it?