Tuesday, May 29, 2007
I'll wait here for a
I'll wait here for a ride til 9, but I hope no one stops b/c I'm finally in a peaceful place where I can set up early & get a good night's rest.
Funny how when walking down
Funny how when walking down a single street, 1 person offers a ride, 1 person offers a beer/seat, & another person calls the cops.
Y-day a cop asked me
Y-day a cop asked me how many times I've been arrested. Didn't occur 2 me then, but it was very insulting. Never, a-hole, b/c I'm not a criminal.
I know I'm not supposed
I know I'm not supposed to choose where I go, but Leg 2 will begin w/ jaunt to N. Mich & west from there, staying close to Canadian border.
Jax Beach: Cool place, excluding
Jax Beach: Cool place, excluding a few paranoid freaks. Good spot for vacation. I'm on my way out if I can figure out where 2 go. Pretty burned.