Monday, May 28, 2007
I put trust in beachgoers
I put trust in beachgoers & left my stuff alone on the beach for 2 hours while braving the powerful Atlantic. Strong rip current can be scary.
Jax Beach is nice. Big
Jax Beach is nice. Big beach, lotsa people, plenty of nice-looking chicks prompting the semi. I wonder if any of them are checking me out.
You R NOT free if
You R NOT free if U live in fear of a 160-Lb guy w/ a backpack, America. Sadly, that's clearly the prevailing trend. Maybe I'm out here 2 free U.
Lew recently informed me that
Lew recently informed me that he has a blog at I'll link to it as soon as I can. Haven't seen it yet, myself.
Ah yeah. Good nite's sleep
Ah yeah. Good nite's sleep in park 2 miles from J-ville beach. Might hang around beach today, relax. Need a shower & pit-stop, charge batteries.