I just finished watching Tape 18 and began watching Tape 19. Tape 19 begins on the night of May 20, 2007, with the Everglades on fire.
In case you may have wondered: Yes, most of this video footage is boring as hell. And it's hard to tell when any particular moment of footage may be interesting because watching and listening to videotapes kind of numbs your brain. I'm just trying to take note of the remotely interesting moments and write down each interesting moment's time code.
This is not the slightest bit fun. I hope you--both of you--appreciate how much unfun work goes into the making of something like Aimless.
Update (3:01 PM): The second Collier County Sheriff encounter on the Naples, Florida on-ramp is pretty interesting. You may remember, my first encounter there was when some asshole deputy pulled up and harassed me, saying through his loudspeaker, "What're you doin' on my Interstate, boy?" Unfortunately I did not catch it on tape. But only 15 or 20 minutes later, when another cruiser pulled up, I had the camera running. It's over 15 minutes of pretty good stuff. These guys were cool, even though they stopped because I fit the description of a perp. I may upload most of it unedited.
The Quasi-Aimless Trailer
You can contact me at 614-738-3867.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Intro to Idiocracy
If you have not seen the movie Idiocracy, see it now. There is a whole bunch of stuff I want to say about it, but I'll just quote some stuff from an IMDB message board for now. (You'll probably have to register before you can read any of the boards. It's OK to register; no hassles or fees or anything like that.)
Mike Judge is brilliant. I want to work with him for free someday. Writing, acting, or anything. I don't care.
The Quasi-Aimless Trailer
You can contact me at 614-738-3867.
I watched "Idiocracy" on DVD last night, which happened to be Australian election night. Flip-flopping between the DVD and the TV news coverage, the people started to become interchangeable - one set of morons for another. Crowds on the TV were screaming and roaring at the slightest provocation, drowning out commentators, much to their annoyance, and raising the ire of politicians trying to make their points. Any sign of intelligence was sadly missing, and politicians appealing to the lowest common denominator were rewarded by the loudest cheers (and votes).
In addition to stupidity, the film notes how life 500 years from now is preoccupied with sex and violence. What do we see on the TV news every night, and in our newspapers - rapes, internet predators, pedophiles, Paris Hilton, accompanied by pub brawls, neighbourhood brawls, people being glassed, stabbed, bashed.
You're right - sadly, it's already happening.
Mike Judge is brilliant. I want to work with him for free someday. Writing, acting, or anything. I don't care.
The Quasi-Aimless Trailer
You can contact me at 614-738-3867.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
From Yahoo News: Red Hot Chili Peppers sue Showtime over series. I haven't read this article, nor do I plan to read it, because... give me a freakin' break.
Showtime has a series called Californication, which you may know is also the title of an RHCP album. Now, I think the Red Hot Chili Peppers are a great band--one of the very few whose music has gotten better as they've aged, particularly the album Californication--but there is no need to go all Lars Ulrich just because some movie channel stole a word you coined.
Titles are not intellectual property. I could call Aimless Californication if I wanted to, and RHCP's lawyers would have no legal beef, nor would Showtime. Conversely, RHCP could make a film called Aimless if they wanted to, and I would have no legal beef.
In all likelihood, Showtime's title-theft has boosted the sales of RHCP's Californication CD. So please get over it, RHCP, and realize that Showtime's continued use of the title Californication is in your best interest because it creates brand recognition.
Don't be a Lars, RHCP.
* * * * *
10 minutes later... I MAY have changed my mind, but only because 'Californication' is a word RHCP created (or at least they were the first to use it commercially). If 'Californication' had already been a word, that would be different.
Still can't say I think they have much of a foundation for a law suit, though.
The Quasi-Aimless Trailer
You can contact me at 614-738-3867.
Showtime has a series called Californication, which you may know is also the title of an RHCP album. Now, I think the Red Hot Chili Peppers are a great band--one of the very few whose music has gotten better as they've aged, particularly the album Californication--but there is no need to go all Lars Ulrich just because some movie channel stole a word you coined.
Titles are not intellectual property. I could call Aimless Californication if I wanted to, and RHCP's lawyers would have no legal beef, nor would Showtime. Conversely, RHCP could make a film called Aimless if they wanted to, and I would have no legal beef.
In all likelihood, Showtime's title-theft has boosted the sales of RHCP's Californication CD. So please get over it, RHCP, and realize that Showtime's continued use of the title Californication is in your best interest because it creates brand recognition.
Don't be a Lars, RHCP.
10 minutes later... I MAY have changed my mind, but only because 'Californication' is a word RHCP created (or at least they were the first to use it commercially). If 'Californication' had already been a word, that would be different.
Still can't say I think they have much of a foundation for a law suit, though.
The Quasi-Aimless Trailer
You can contact me at 614-738-3867.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Unplanned sports talk
So Barry Bonds has been indicted and it sounds like there is a good chance he'll end up spending some time in prison.
For what?
For allegedly lying about whether or not he took steroids.
Is it really such a big freakin' deal? How does something so petty and insignificant even make it into the court system? What a waste of American tax dollars!!!
Now don't go thinking I'm some kind of Barry Bonds fan or anything like that. I hate baseball, and as far as I can tell, Barry Bonds is a cheating-ass jerkwad. But being a cheating-ass jerkwad of a baseball player is not a crime.
I can think of another cheating-ass jerkwad who also happens to be a war criminal and an enemy of the American people. He ought to live in the Big House--the pound-me-in-the-ass variety. Instead he lives in the White House.
Why isn't George Bush facing this kind of scrutiny and prosecution?
PS - I've watched some of my footage from the night Bonds broke the home run record, and I think there may be some compelling stuff. Perhaps I'll be able to upload a rough edit of some of that stuff soon.
* * * * *
I read somewhere that a New York Knicks player was fined $180,000 for missing a game the other night. Big deal; he won't miss it.
$180,000 may be chump change for most professional athletes, but you know what I could do with $180,000?
I could open a really nice, well-equipped pizzeria and support myself for the rest of my life. I could create some decent jobs for a handful of people who currently have crappy jobs. I could do a lot of good stuff for myself and my community. Oh yeah, and I could pay it all back, plus interest.
But these guys just throw away $180,000 like it's nothing. What a waste.
* * * * *
One more thing:
Go Bucks!
Beat the shit out of those Michigan pussies!!!
The Quasi-Aimless Trailer
You can contact me at 614-738-3867.
For what?
For allegedly lying about whether or not he took steroids.
Is it really such a big freakin' deal? How does something so petty and insignificant even make it into the court system? What a waste of American tax dollars!!!
Now don't go thinking I'm some kind of Barry Bonds fan or anything like that. I hate baseball, and as far as I can tell, Barry Bonds is a cheating-ass jerkwad. But being a cheating-ass jerkwad of a baseball player is not a crime.
I can think of another cheating-ass jerkwad who also happens to be a war criminal and an enemy of the American people. He ought to live in the Big House--the pound-me-in-the-ass variety. Instead he lives in the White House.
Why isn't George Bush facing this kind of scrutiny and prosecution?
PS - I've watched some of my footage from the night Bonds broke the home run record, and I think there may be some compelling stuff. Perhaps I'll be able to upload a rough edit of some of that stuff soon.
I read somewhere that a New York Knicks player was fined $180,000 for missing a game the other night. Big deal; he won't miss it.
$180,000 may be chump change for most professional athletes, but you know what I could do with $180,000?
I could open a really nice, well-equipped pizzeria and support myself for the rest of my life. I could create some decent jobs for a handful of people who currently have crappy jobs. I could do a lot of good stuff for myself and my community. Oh yeah, and I could pay it all back, plus interest.
But these guys just throw away $180,000 like it's nothing. What a waste.
One more thing:
Go Bucks!
Beat the shit out of those Michigan pussies!!!
The Quasi-Aimless Trailer
You can contact me at 614-738-3867.
Friday, November 09, 2007
Aspiring Pro Golfer Seeks Sponsor
As I've mentioned before, one of this blog's regular readers is a young aspiring professional golfer named Luke Swilor. Luke spent the summer of 2007 playing on the Canadian Tour, which hosts events all over Canada, as well as the western United States and Mexico.
After months of occasional e-communication, Luke and I finally crossed paths this September, meeting at a public house in Portland. He had a long drive back to Salt Lake ahead of him, so he could only hang around for an hour or so, but our short encounter made me a huge Luke Swilor fan.
OK, so what's the point of this post?
I wrote this post to prepare for the remote possibility that a prospective sponsor might stumble here and consider backing Luke's future golf endeavors.
Now, why should you consider sponsoring Luke?
The Quasi-Aimless Trailer
You can contact me at 614-738-3867.
After months of occasional e-communication, Luke and I finally crossed paths this September, meeting at a public house in Portland. He had a long drive back to Salt Lake ahead of him, so he could only hang around for an hour or so, but our short encounter made me a huge Luke Swilor fan.
OK, so what's the point of this post?
I wrote this post to prepare for the remote possibility that a prospective sponsor might stumble here and consider backing Luke's future golf endeavors.
Now, why should you consider sponsoring Luke?
- Luke is one of the nicest guys I've ever met. He's easy to like and I have no doubt that you would feel you've done the right thing if you invest in him.
- I don't know much about ascending the ranks of the professional golf hierarchy, but something inside tells me Luke is on his way to doing it.
- Luke is driven to succeed, both in golf and as a person.
- I could extend this list a long way, but I want you to figure out the other reasons for yourself. Start by reading Luke Swilor's Road to the Tour and continue by getting to know the man. You will be impressed and you'll give yourself an opportunity to avoid the rush on Luke Swilor sponsorship.
The Quasi-Aimless Trailer
You can contact me at 614-738-3867.
New e-mail address
For those of you who sometimes communicate with me via e-mail, I have a new personal e-mail address. It's the initials of my first name and my middle name, followed by my entire last name (all one word) @ att.net. If you don't know my first and middle initials, you can find them at the bottom of this post.
Jeff: I tried calling you last week and got a message saying I'd reached a non-working number. What's up with that? Did you move again or something? Are you all right? Let me know what's up, eh.
The Quasi-Aimless Trailer
You can contact me at 614-738-3867.
Jeff: I tried calling you last week and got a message saying I'd reached a non-working number. What's up with that? Did you move again or something? Are you all right? Let me know what's up, eh.
The Quasi-Aimless Trailer
You can contact me at 614-738-3867.
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Has anyone seen this yet? It's a bunch of asshole Penn State frat boys throwing full beer cans at Ohio State fans last Saturday before the game. From what I've read, the guy with the camera actually uploaded the video for the world to see because he thought their actions were cool. What a dumbfuck fuckface!?!
I saw no behavior like this at either of the Ohio State road games I attended (at Washington and at Purdue).
I saw no behavior like this at either of the Ohio State road games I attended (at Washington and at Purdue).